Abonar's Blog

A Resource For Managers, Business Owners, & Entrepreneurs

Category: Project Management

  • Finding Your Competitive Advantage

    Before investing in a business, one of the most important things to identify is your competitive advantage. Answer the question “why would customers choose your product/service over competitor offerings?” What makes you stand out from the competition? I’ve found that not enough thought goes into what a company’s real competitive advantage is and many companies…

  • Managing the Construction of Your New Home

    So you’re building a new house and decide to manage the project yourself instead of going through a builder. The downside is the risk of hiring bad contractors and the time investment required to manage the project. However, the benefits are great as well. You drastically cut builder costs and can potentially build a better…

  • Project Management Tip of the day!

    Whether you’re planning a wedding, building a new house, or managing a work project your first step should be to draw out a plan. Outline your vision and clearly state your goals and objectives. Otherwise you’ll likely be unorganized and position yourself to make last minute decisions with little thought and lots of stress. It’s…